Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Great Sound Music Sdn Bhd

There is concert day soon for my son, busy me so we still have not receive any costume from the kindergarten. So fast its another year, this year my son is 5years old. Next year he will needs to start going for tuition as he has exam in June at primary school.

Same weekend as my birthday too, his concert day.

Friday, October 21, 2016

GLAM Junior X Uniqlo event

Happy day as I received an invite on GLAM Junior X Uniqlo event for tomorrow. But sad is because they only let me know today and tomorrow is the day which I have planed already for tomorrow.

I know my sons will be happy to attend this activity because they have activity for kids with lego, aso traveling/packing tips for winter and cash voucher from uniqlo.

Very sad as I cannot bring my kids to go as we have got family plan tomorrow. Well, got to let it go and let other lucky participants to go.

The event is morning 9am to 11am.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekend schedule fulled

It's October and my son is very happy as he has finished the final exam in school. However other school are on going their final exam. This Sunday is his school's sports day, he is Standard 4 and for the first time he got selected by for taking part, he is not alone as he is taking part with his team.

It's not going to be easy, he told me that green team have many participants than yellow team. He's in yellow team and just very few of them. Not sure how to name the sports but it is pulling rope competition. Last week they have the sports in school and teacher have selected their teams and other teams to take part in the competition.

We have got plan to visit grandmother too, been few months since we last seen her. Her birthday was in June same month as my son.

How about you? What's your plan for this weekend?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

4 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Remodel

Before you start knocking down walls for your home remodel, it's important to think about your budget. How much can you afford to spend on new fixtures and features? Where can you find deals to help you cut costs? Are there any preparations you can make in advance to save you money further down the line? If you're serious about avoiding the red during your next remodel, here are four tips for making it more affordable.

1. Have a Plan

It's easy to overspend when you don't have a clear goal for your remodeling project. You'll agree to anything that looks or sounds good instead of focusing on specific design elements, and you'll be tempted into unnecessary upgrades when you don't have a blueprint to fall back on. Be smart about your remodel. Plan it out before you use your credit card.

2. Make Plans Based on Deals

Instead of scheduling your remodel for the busiest time of year, wait until everyone is quiet and companies are desperate for business. Instead of buying a specific kind of hardwood no matter how much it costs, find a company that offers discounted timber and make your selection based on what's already on sale. Don't let your whims dictate your expenses. If anything, it should be the other way around.

3. Cut the Right Corners

It's okay to cheat a little on your remodel, but you have to make sure that you're cheating with the right things. For example, you don't want to cut corners when it comes to your water lines because they're so pivotal to your everyday life, but your faucets are another story. If you want to slap on some stainless steel adhesives instead of actually paying for stainless steel, no one will ever have to know.

4. Talk to Your Contractors

Don't be afraid to discuss money matters with your contractors. It's better to have a few awkward conversations early in the project rather than getting an unpleasant surprise on the final bill. If your contractor tries to play coy about costs, expenses, fees and surcharges, find someone else who will be upfront with you.

These are just a few things to keep in mind if you're watching your budget during a home renovation. You might want to find a contractor today for more information, including how to calculate expenses and what you can expect to pay for materials and labor. Good luck!
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