Monday, August 23, 2021

LUCA drama

I like to watch movie and this is drama series that reminds me of Thor, like thunder lighting. This would be nice if you like to watch electrifying incidents. So much of mystery in this drama series of LUCA. I google about it and it's only Season 1, with 12 episodes of it. 

Kim Rae-won acted as Ji Oh in the drama, he loses memories often. He's one of my favorite actor and also Kim Song-Oh, if you like to watch lots of explosive and electrifying moments watch this drama.

Ji Oh is created in lab? Perhaps that's why the bad guys wanna catch him to extract his blood, etc for experiments. He has got the strength like a hulk? The bad guys after getting the injections too become stronger.

I think its a nice drama to watch as you can even see the nerves moving... 

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