Just want to share info with everyone as I always want to know about it.
My son didn't do well in the exam but at least he tried his best, so now I know what's the marks he scores. Sometimes I forgot his grades, with this list, we can easily know.
A - Cemerlang - 80-100 - Excellent
B - Baik - 65-79 - Good
C - Memuaskan - 50 - 64 - Satisfy
D - Mencapai Tahan Minimum - 40-49 - Achievement minimum
E - Belum Mencapai Tahap Minimum - 0-39 - Not yet achieve minimum
F - Tidak Hadir -TH - Absent
This year final exam was tough, he says many didn't do well.
My son didn't do well in the exam but at least he tried his best, so now I know what's the marks he scores. Sometimes I forgot his grades, with this list, we can easily know.
A - Cemerlang - 80-100 - Excellent
B - Baik - 65-79 - Good
C - Memuaskan - 50 - 64 - Satisfy
D - Mencapai Tahan Minimum - 40-49 - Achievement minimum
E - Belum Mencapai Tahap Minimum - 0-39 - Not yet achieve minimum
F - Tidak Hadir -TH - Absent
This year final exam was tough, he says many didn't do well.