Tuesday, December 27, 2016

RM370 for dental treatment

Today is the day where I brought my children for dental checkup and also for myself. Me and Sean has got our teeth clean, however I was told that Sean needs to have braces maybe at aged of 13 yrs old or 14 yrs old. Because his teeth is not in good arrangement and all has turned permanent teeth, I will need to find Orthontist for him for braces and also to find out which teeth is suitable for extract.

Niece has got for braces and her cost was RM4k, I was told by time Sean go for braces it could be RM6k or RM7k. It's time to get start saving for him now, we never know what's the exact price. Yeah the cost of living in Selangor/Kuala Lumpur is way much more than other states, don't you agree? Not yet add on the fees of tuition for children.

Sean's little bro has got 2 teeth upper gums filling, each RM60. Total cost for dental treatment for 3 of us RM370. This happened at USJ Taipan, was lucky today I managed to find a parking spot. While we saw another car which not in the parking spot, outside the yellow line got clamped.

My bottom two big teeth, deep inside if there is pain I was told that I need to back to see her and get both teeth removed. One of it is wisdom teeth.

Monday, December 19, 2016

About Merlin Entertainments

MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS plc is the leading name in location-based, family entertainment. Europe’s Number 1 and the world’s second-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates 109 attractions, 12 hotels/4 holiday villages in 23 countries and across 4 continents. The company aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its almost 63 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and 26,000 employees (peak season).    Merlin currently has thirteen attractions in Asia including Madame Tussauds in Bangkok, Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing and Wuhan, China; the fantastic LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort with its theme park, hotel and water park; world leading aquaria in Busan, Bangkok and Shanghai, - underlining the company’s position as the world’s biggest global aquarium operator; LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan and Istanbul.   Dubai’s LEGOLAND® Park has also opened in October 2016 and will soon open in Japan and South Korea in 2017.  

Visit www.merlinentertainments.biz for more information


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Night before fly off to Langkawi

Exciting in few hours time I will be going to Langkawi, haven't been there over 15 years. I went there last with my parents while it was dad's company's trip. Hoping to visit the crocodile adventureland in Langkawi.

I had bad sleep yesterday due to over eat, after dinner, my dear brought me to purchase McD home to eat. Yeah ate too much last night that I couldn't sleep well and it's horrible because I feel uncomfortable all night long. Not just that awake by 5am because there's electrical trip and it only came back after an hour.

My dear not happy that we need to go 4D/3N, well if he has the problem should let me know earlier then I wouldn't ask him to go with him. Last night he was asking me when back again, as just a couple trip for two of us. I am a woman that easily heart broken by his words.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fee of Kindergarten Subang Jaya

The fee of Pre School & Intermediate classes for year 2017. For re-registration the payment RM1000 (RM980 for books and special fees and RM20 for group PA insurance). 

Types of Fees
Registration fee RM100
Books and Special fees RM980
Group PA insurance RM20
Monthly school fees RM450 payable monthly except Jan and Dec fees must be paid before year 2017 sessions begins. Usual rate RM430 see that the fee hike RM20 monthly.
Nov fees will be collected in June 2017
School uniform RM28 per set.

morning session 8.45 to 12.45pm

full day programme
Mon to Fri 8.3 to 6.3pm 3 and 4 yrs old RM700 per month, 5 and 6 yrs old RM800 per month.
Extended hour to 7.3 pm extra RM100 per month
Extra hour RM8 per hour
Dinner RM120 per month.
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