Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Have you check out my other blog which is about shopping? Well, I am thinking about putting the entrecard widget there with Sherry Rambling entrecard widget. But I didn't know how at all. I have seen so many blogger done a good job with their blogs.

As for me I am still learning and looking on how to do so. Anyone care to share me with how you do it?

Later on, I might be going to DIY shop to buy some stuff. DIY means "Do It Yourself". My sister will be going to my dad's place. I saw her bringing her work back again. It's very thick just a like dictionery!

How to sleep better?

All I like best is sleeping. That's very important to me, I am reading about how to sleep better . I am so in love with my bed, I couldn't sleep without it. Sometimes if I am going to holiday, I need to stay in hotel and I find it hard to fall asleep.

Sheep-counting never works for me. How about you? I feel that having a good and enough sleep matter as we'll feel refresh the next morning. Is that call beauty sleep?

I am also reading about sleep myths . My sister has been catch up on sleep lately. It also depends on her job. If there's a lot to do, she'll sleep less. Even though my dad's in his 60's, he'll goes to sleep at 9pm and getting up at 5.30am. Every morning my dad would go for his morning walk with a few guards along. Who are the guards? Man's best friend!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I love chicken in red wine

Found this recipe online and decided to share with everyone. Chicken in red wine has anyone tasted it before? I love it and thinking about it lately. Today I saw in the website and I feel so hungry...

I remembered last time I ate it before and after drinking it, my face turned all red. I was sweating a lot too. But the taste is so strong and delicious its kind of hard to explain about it. I don't know how to cook it at all but now with the recipe on hand. Maybe I can try it out sometimes.

Anyway, if you like it, you can try it out too. Let me know the result yeah :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sharing computer and internet

Do you have a computer at home? Do you share it with anyone? I am sharing mine with my sister. She always bring her work back to do even this evening. I know that she is working hard because earlier she find it difficult to look for a job.

After your age reached 35, do you have difficulty to look for job? Many company would give you a lower salary than your previous job. It happened to my sister! The salary range from her previous to her current drop drastically almost $800 different. That's a lot!

Before you wanted to quit your job is better survey the market or at least get a job offer before you quit. I know my salary range and I can say that its not much. The company do look into your qualification and job experienced.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How to win 10,000 EC?

How to win 10,000EC? Well, thats is one easy way for you and me to grab this chance. I am always looking out for such great contests. I know there's a lot contests going on. You just have to take part in them. Then you'll only know if you are lucky to win.

John Chow is one of the famous blogger which everyone know about. I am sure you have seen this name some where. Find out about win 10,000 EC contest today!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Match Making

I am sure you will find this familar and I think its very common these days. I just can't believe that my dad is trying to match making my sister. Yeah I know every parents would want to see their children growing healthy and get married.

My sister told me that my dad had arranged a dinner with meeting a guy. I didn't know about it until my sister told me so. It happened quite some time ago. The guy is in his 40's, he is an industrial lawyer. My sister told me that he's very old fashion and wearing clothes like oldies. Plus the old looking spects. She just has no interest on dating at the moment.

Few weeks ago, we attended a dinner... then only I found out whose the guy. I saw him! He's not that old fashion like my sister said. Anyway he's getting married in Aug or Sept this year.

My sister used to have guy that wanted to date her. There's one she told me before. But I really not understand why the guy is afraid of hair. I mean he told my sister that he afraid of hairy things and afraid to sit on plane too. My sister was so crazy about him then, she went for laser treatment to remove her armpits hair. If you ask me, where's the guy now? I have no idea, they did not date in the end.

I love my sister and I do hope she can find a guy that she likes. But dad is like in a hurry. How do you tell him not to worry?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Family matter

Since my dad has started to use the Internet access as well as email. He is trying to pull the family back together. Well, its more about his brothers in overseas. I don't understand why some people just don't understand the best of having family.

I do agreed with my dad that "blood is thicker than water". There's is solution to every problem and I am sure they can work it out. My uncles are not talking to each other much. They both have wives and children. Why should the family matter getting worst and involving our generation and next generation?

There's nothing more important than family.

Free 50EC giveaway

Just like anyone if you have a Entrecard, I am sure you find the credits very useful. Now I found this blog which want to give away 50EC . I don't know why nobody want to blog about it. It doesn't said about how many words that you need to write about.

That blog 4 me is one blogger that want you to take the 50EC. A simple blog review would be good enough. Only 6 more blogger to take away 50EC.

Monday, April 21, 2008

How to get rid of mosquitoes?

My friend has send me an email and I would like to share it with everyone.

It's about Mosquitoes control technique

The mosquito control technique but instead of using Lemon Fresh Joy, she used Harimau Kuat Lemon flavoured dish wash liquid (yellow bottle and about RM2.80) and..... it actually works.

It has been try out by the person who passed on the email and she Thanks her niece.

It's cheapest and non poisonous like Ridsect of Fumakilla and the others.

Finally, found this simple home tip:-

You have a lot of mosquitoes in your bedroom? Try this.

Mosquito Treatment: So you don't like those pesky mosquitoes. Here's a tip that was given at a recent gardening forum. Put some water in a white dinner plate and add a couple drops of Lemon Fr R Set the dish on your porch, patio, picnic table, park bench, or other outdoor area. Not sure what attracts them, the lemon smell, the white plate colour, or what.

BUT ... mosquitoes flock to it, and drop dead shortly after drinking the Lemon Fresh Joy/water mixture, and usually within about 10 feet of the plate.

TRY IT--- it works just superb! It may seem trivial, but it may alsohelp to control mosquitoes around your home, (especially in areas where the West Nile virus is reaching epidemic proportions in mosquitoes, birds, and humans).

Pass this on to anyone who likes sitting out in the evening, or when they're having a cook out.

Personally, I would like to thank the person who wrote this and my friend for passing this to me.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Who's going to win?

I am pretty nervous about the Makoy's contest and I am not sure who is gonna win. There are only 9 of us that participate the contest. So lets wait Makoy announced the winner.

In the mean time, its raining here and I can hear the thunder. There's no way I can online for now. I have to shut down computer now.

I hope to go shopping mall later on, just for window shopping would be nice too. Okay have to go now. Happy Sunday to you :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Hi folks, tell me anyone remembered this comedy? The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air which acted by Will Smith. I really like this comedy show, I remembered I watching it during the weekends. This is best show ever as it keeps me smile all the time.

Have you seen this sitcom before? Do you like it? I really hope there's a repeat sitcom for this on Television. But I haven't seen it. It's really entertaining and I would laugh so loud sometimes. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where money grow?

Hi, anyone care to tell me where money grow? Do you think its a crazy question?

Have been thinking what you can do with money, other than just putting in bank. About starting a business, well no confident on that. Doesn't have such money for any business.

Sometimes I do wonder who people can drive luxury cars and staying in huge house. My dad tell me that you have to work hard. He had been saving his entire life. I really hope saving is enough to spend for entire life.

1st contest by Webomatik

I have been thinking to start my contests but I still have do anything about it yet. Well, here I am to share with you Webomatik is starting his very own 1st contest. I am eyeing on the First Prize of 2,000 EC credits. He has total of 5,000 EC credits on hand to give away as prize.

He must be generous with First Webomatik EC Contest . This is one simple and easy for everyone to join, you can review his blog about the contest and then post in his comment that you have done it. I like this site too as its simple and easy to view. Don't wait contest will end 30th April.

Alarm systems

My sister has just bought an alarm systems. Wow, I must say its not cheap. Even though it has the life time guarantee like lightning. It cost about $2600. what do you think?

There are other cheap alarm like $500 but she didn't want them as worry it has no guarantee at all. Some alarm systems need to have wiring at home and this would cost even more. Some have security guard checking your home which you need to pay every month.

I think its up to individual to decide. My sister very lucky to have my dad, as he is supporting some money to buy too. The most important is that she will feel safe and secure in or outside her home. Even though there's nothing valuable at home, she didn't any thief going in and out of her home.

Everyone wants privacy and I think neighbourhood is important too. Say is that her neighbourhood is not friendly at all. They are not local and they seldom chat. Is just like you live your life, I live mine.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Win $50 from Makoy

How can I forget about this contest, I am sure you have know it before me. I have seen blogger joined the contest. I hope I am still in. I was so busy with other things on hand that I almost miss the chance for this contest. If you have an Entrecard I am sure you have dropped your card at his blog. Makoy is a Philipino blogger and he has a great site to share with everyone. I can tell you that he is very good with IT, just looked at his personal blog! Anyway about the contest, its easy for you to win it by review his blog in 200 words.

Makoy is only 26 year old and if you ask me I'm not sure if he's a bachelor. You can go ahead and ask him. He is having another blog to share with you which is Makoy's Literary Writing and More . I bet you want to know how are you going to get $50 if you win. Well, PayPal is the only way you can get the money. Not to worry if you don't have one, just sign up for one since its free.

By the way anyone good with comming up with a good slogan? Personally, I am not good at that at all. I don't think anyone notice about both his blogs. What is it? Both the blogs are in PR3 thats pretty good I think. I really want to know how he can maintain both blogs and getting the rank. I have to admit that this contest would be the longest one I ever wrote. Let me know if I am wrong about it.

Beside $50 and a month free ad spot as the Grand Prize there are 3 other best entries prizes of a free ad one month spot at his blog. Don't just read here, you must act now if you want the money. Why? The closing date is on 15 April this month! Hurry up, I am sure you don't want to see me win again in contests.

Bizarre family death

I have never come across such news before. This news about a mom that passed away and the children too follow her. I don't understand why the children do it. Perhaps they have individual or family problem?

The news never said if each of the children have family or not. Maybe they are all single. A lot things in this world which doesn't have an explanation. You can read the news at The Star .

Maybe the children just can't accept their mom's death.

Giveaway City contest

It's happening again, I have won earlier at Giveaway City and now I am taking this opportunity to tell you that there's contests happening at this blog. If you have missed out the chance earlier, don't worry about it. You can now check out Giveaway City for contests as well as giveaways.

I am really excited about it and I hope I can win again. The contest ends on May 12 which is a month away. Well, don't wait till then. Take action now! Don't worry if you think you are not going to win, you never try you never know. So, why let the chance swipe away.

Win Cash and EC

Here's the chance again for you and me to win Cash and EC. Have anyone heard of iNeedAlex , I have not. Now you know about it, you too can join to win 1st Contest by the site. The cash and EC sound good to me and I am taking this chance to win.

You can choose to review his blog, subscribed to his blog via email or drop you Entrecard. This is easy and everyone can do it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

What do you think?

Tell what do you think of my blog now? I am just using the FeedBurner to see if everything goes well in my blog. I am not very good at it but I am trying my best. It would be worst if my dad wanted to learn. lol

Does my blog looked messy? I feel there's a bit of that, I won't stay away from the problem. I would face it, if you have opinion or piece of advice. I am ready to hear it.

I know my blog doesn't looked as good as others. Well, everyone has a different blog and I am sure you feel the same. Correct me if I am wrong.

FeebBurner has a lot things which you and me can learn and you have no idea it took me like more than half hour or an hour or more to learn. My eyes are blurr now and I would come back later. Need to rest a while. Cya :)


I just started using the Feedburner. I am seeing that the listener and not the reader on my right bar. You'll see it if you scroll the site down. Tell me what's wrong with that? I wanted it to be reader but its listener.

Could it be because I signed up by click on I am a podcaster. If yes, its a mistake I made. How to reverse the mistake? Anyone care to share your view?

The Site Stats in FeedBurner too show no visitors, weird what went wrong? I am really not good at this.

"Fake" entrecard

Everyone tell me, have you come across any "fake" entrecard lately? Well, I have and its very annoying seeing these. A lot people have been fool and you have to be smart now don't just click on it whenever you see the E Drop. Human Blogging Tips has clearly stated about it and I am sure nobody like to be fool.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Winning 1,000 EC

I can't believe my eyes, I was checking email just now. Then I found saw this "you have been send 1000 EC". This is not a joke and I am so happy I don't know what to say. I joined the contest of 1,500 EC Giveaway at MommyDaddyBlog. If you are interested on giveaway you should check out MommyDaddyBlog .

Apart from that I have also won 75 EC from Layong Lim about Pure Love . Its really easy to win as there's only 2 person that included myself in joining the contests.

Hey, with this EC on hand I think I could start my very own contests.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Serious Droppers

I am making this lists to thank my Entrecard Droppers as well as making this easy for myself to drop cards. I will be checking out all of my blogs as well.

  1. Shopping blog
  2. Twins Happiness
  3. Emila's Illustrated Blog
  4. Reenashwina
  5. That blog 4 Me
  6. Prodinterios
  7. SE7ENize
  8. The Flying Beagle
  9. Enfotainer

Sunday, April 6, 2008


My dad just call me up asking me how to add contact on Outlook Express. He is using that for email and I just taught him how to use it. Actually I am not very good as well. I just use the computer at the same time he's asking and told him how.

He is happy he knows how to use it now. Just now on the phone he has no patience at all. It's good that he is willing to learn. Some people are good using a computer that doesn't mean that they are good in Internet as well.

I am learning too :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Win $100

Okay if you are looking for extra money and there's one way of winning it. Just participate the contest at Juggler's blog. You are going to win $100 cold hard cash which will be paid via PayPal. April Mini Contest prize is $100 give away.

April fool is over and this is a contest you shouldn't miss out! You can either blog about the April Mini Contest or Subscribed Juggler's feeds via email. If you are planning to do both, there will be higher chance of winning.

The contest ends 20 April this year.

Wish me luck :)

Eating and watching TV

I am sure everyone know about this, eating and watching TV at the same time. Do you do that? Well, to be honest with you I did! In fact everyone in the family are doing the same. Unless there's thunder storm or else the TV will be turn on most of the time. It's not okay to watch and eat at the same time. I don't know if you notice, people that eat and watching the TV at the same time would take more time to finish their meal. If you have kids at home I am sure you didn't want them to be like you. Here's a tip which you can read about how to avoid your child to be a TV addict .

I have been seeing a lot food court and restaurant putting up TV so that customer will watch and eat at the same time. Some friends I know will telling me that they will avoid watching drama as they know they would want to catch up with it. A friend was saying that their dad has cut connection of the cable TV. But this they have rent the tapes or VCD to watch. The bad habit goes on.

Best to set time for yourself and family to watch TV. Maybe going out for bowling or ice skating have a splendour time together.

Hey, you have to check out on how you can earn 100 EC by quoting posts and a chance of winning 2000 EC for the best posts out of the All-Time Favourite Tips. I joined the contest .

Friday, April 4, 2008

How to explain

My sister is interested on buying a notebook so that she could use it for her work as well. I don't know how to explain to her about notebook. She has not used one before and she thinking that notebook no need to charge battery and you can access it any where any time.

Oh boy! This is tough, no notebook in this world that no need to charge battery at all. Tell me if there is such notebook. Other than that, she asking me will internet access be faster using the notebook. I think its depend on which and what kind of package.

I saw in newspaper about Maxis broadband $138 a month. This is too expensive as she won't be using the internet everyday, she only used it at office and if her work is unfinished she would take back home to do. Her company has no support on buying the notebook or paying the internet access.

I will need to talk to her further on these.

Win 5000 EC from Shanker Bakshi

Just want to share with you a contest which you can join as well. The winner will win Grand Prize of 5000 EntreCard Credits. Shanker Baskshi is the had gaveaway 3000 EntreCard Credits in Jan. I didn't know about that as I only joined Entrecard in March. Now I am taking this chance to win 5000 EC!

It's really easy to join the contest, first you have to check out his site on how to win 5000 EntreCard Credits . Personally I have subscribed to Shanker Baksi dot com by email which already earning myself 5 entries for the contest. Other than that, I am telling you about this contest which will also earn myself 3 entries. Total would be 8 entries :).

Frankly speaking I didn't know that 5000 EntreCard Credits is value $25. I am going to add Shanker Bakshi to my links. It's a good place to check on how to make money too. Anyway, if you are interested on winning the 5000 EC, the contest will end on 30 April this year.


My dad knows about internet and using the email these day. He still prefer to use to write diary rather than using the internet for blogging. He has been using diary for many years. He's no interested on blogging. If he starts blogging I will tell him about entrecard .

Dad saying that he can't face computer too long, he'll get sleepy. Tell me, do you parents know how to use Internet? Do they have blogs too?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

100EC daily by quoting post

You can easily get 100 EntreCard Credits, all you have to do is quot a post. Each quoting post from All-Time Favourite Tips you get to earn yourself 100EC is that simple and easy. There's a tip which I am interested on is the how to manage multiple blogs effectively. I feel that having one blog is not easy as you need to maintain and update it always or else you'll lose your reader. If you are having more than one blog, how do you maintain them?

Personally I don't think anyone like blogs with same posts. What's the point? I dream of having 7 days a week blog. It would be a blog for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This sound insane right? How am I going to deal with these blogs. You could find helpful tips on how to manage and improve your blogs.

Once again, I have joined the contests and you too can participate. Why wait? Contest ends on 23 April this year!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stopping by

Hi, I am just stopping by. Can't really be here for long, there's thunder and I got to off pc soon. If you are looking out for contests. You know where to go? Just check out Giveaway City, its a nice place to hang out too :).

Just FYI, I didn't win the 300 EntreCard Credits. If you don't know what I am talking about, just check my posts on March.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Put your face in the hole

So funny, I must share this with you. Just now dropping by at Interactive Agency Malaysia site. Saw his photo so funny and nice looking too. He's one of the X-Men now! Woverine the named if not mistaken.

If I have the time I would play this too. Face in Hole surely fun for you and me.

Make More Friends

I have been tagged by Jen , I am here to make more friends. Thank you :)

~~Begin Copy~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :

1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Make new friends.

Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag as many friends as you want.

1. Picturing of Life
2. Juliana’s Site
3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.
4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space
5. Starz in De Sky
6. My Charmed Life
7. Denz Techtronics
8. Denz Recreational
9. Life’s Simple Pleasures
10. My Blog
11. Because Life is Fun
12. In This Game of Life
13. Scribbles of my Life
14. Changing Lanes
15. This is what my heart says...
16. A mom's note
17. Tasteful Voyage
18. Jackie's Everyday Life
19. Jackie Simply Pinay
20. Gerthy's Scrapbook
21. Gerthy Sanctary
23. Asawa's Love Book
24. A Mother's Journal
25. Simple Life, Simply Me
26. Pinaymama's Diary
27. Sherry Rambling
28. so it goes. . .
You're Next here~~End Copy~~

I'm tagging EliteSpace .

I won 250 EntreCredits

I am not dreaming and today is April Fool I know. I want to thank Giveaway City for giving me the chance to win. I still can't believe that I am the Grand Prize winner. I wasn't sure that I am going to win.

You can check out this site for upcoming contests and giveaway on websites.

It's for the dead

I found this and you too can read about it if you haven't. It's sexy lingerie for the dead. No matter where you are its something new and latest for anyone. That of course depend whats the product.

My friend told me that they even have the condominum, car, cell phone, hats and everything that you can see here.
get this widget