Friday, April 11, 2008


I just started using the Feedburner. I am seeing that the listener and not the reader on my right bar. You'll see it if you scroll the site down. Tell me what's wrong with that? I wanted it to be reader but its listener.

Could it be because I signed up by click on I am a podcaster. If yes, its a mistake I made. How to reverse the mistake? Anyone care to share your view?

The Site Stats in FeedBurner too show no visitors, weird what went wrong? I am really not good at this.

1 comment:

  1. Humm, yeah that's what probably happened. I never had this problem signing up. I would just take off what you have up there and start over. I don't put the button up with the subscriber count cuz it's never right and always changing. I may though try it again. Good luck, yes all is so confusing!


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