Sunday, September 30, 2012

Top Commentator of September

Yeah this is fun commenting and I know there's only one active commentator in my blog. Who is the GFC follower?

She is Jemarisuri, with only three comments in this September. She's the winner of the month! Yeah!

Winner do email me your full name, address and contact number to sherrygo at hotmail dot com.

I am going to use Pox Express to mail the Prize, I am not responsible for the lost and damage of the Parcel.

Top Commentor Contest@Sherry Rambling

I love giveaway and contest, how about you? I love giveaway so much I am going to hold Top Commentator Contest for this Sherry Rambling , there will be surprise gift for the Top Commentator for month of September! There's a prize for Top Commentator of September for this blog yeah so let's the fun begin! Click link above to see the Prize.

How to take part this Top Commentator Contest? You need to be GFC Follower of this blog, you need use the same ID to comment in this blog. You need to have address in Malaysia so I can mail you the Prize. The prize will be send using POS MALAYSIA.

You may comment in my previous month's post too. I will be counting the comments. You may want to calculate your comments too.

So let's see who will be the Top Commentator of September 2012, comments ends 12 midnight Malaysia time on 30 September 2012.

Check below for two other giveaways having at my lovely blogs. :D

Giveaway is happening at what every gal want, click the link to find out how to take part.

Giveaway below is happening at My Mom's Best click the link for more detail.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Giant on the bicycle

Well I should call him hulk on the bicycle, look at my son the bicycle given by his uncle so small for him! We have got the same for him but problem is the small wheels at the side of bicycle go sideway because of his weight! Bear in my mind that my son weights around 40kg now.

The small bicycle cannot fit him to use anymore, we need keep it for his bro to use. We are looking for new bicycle for him, we went to check the price the bicycle is so expensive! Looks like we need go to bicycle shop to check again, can you believe that a bicycle can cost RM300 more or less.

There is one uncle cycling at the playground and his bicycle cost over RM1000 because his bicycle can also use motor if he don't feel like cycling it. Being stay at home, I don't have income to purchase bicycle for him. Looks like we need to save money for my son.

I am glad to see my son wears sport shoes and socks to playground, I have seen broken glass at the playground if you are not careful you will step on it and injure your feet.

I have seen a boy carrying small knife in playground, he tried to fight another boy that fight with him another day. It is due to misunderstanding but the boy decided to carry knife to teach another boy a lesson! Scary what's the world are we living now?

Monday, September 24, 2012

First Batman Tanglung for my baby

My baby is excited when he's see the Batman lanter, I purchased it from Giant this morning. He cannot play with paper lanter that use the candle because he's too young. I bought this at Giant to match his outfit of Batman! I saw other design of lanter like Tom & Jerry lantern but I only see Tom, there's Angry Bird.

I tested the sound and light at Giant and happy to see it works wonderful so my baby can play the lantern on this coming weekend. It's going to be fun night to play with his cousins. My big boy decided to take the Batman lanter to play because he loves Batman too. Well they both can share this lantern as we will bring along the paper lanters and candles.

I bought the Drypers for my baby and he can wear the sunglasses! I choose the XL size for him, the Drypers I bought is the Drypers Drypants it comes with a pair of sunglasses. Yay who doesn't like freebie? Now at RM28.99 instead of RM35.99 for a pack this offer ends 26 September.

By the way, I am looking for school uniforms, can you suggest where to purchase? I didn't see any at Giant in First Subang Mall. I need to find affordable and good quality school uniforms. I have bought two pairs of white shoes for him and three pairs of white socks worry the rainy days!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Batman costume for my baby!

 This is one costume for my baby boy, yeah since he's so active he's fit to wear it! I bought this at Carrefour Subang Jaya, it is near the main entrance of Carrefour near the information counter of Carrefour. Look this costume fits him, I am happy that I purchased the size 8 instead of 6. I saw the size 6 is Superman costume but sadly it's too small for him.

At night I gave him the shirt to try on, he's just happy walking here and there. My dear wanted me to purchase the Superman costume but I saw the size just too small for him. If you like the costume you can also purchase them there, the stall will be operating until end of October if not mistaken.

Talking of costume, I can't wait to see what my boy is gonna wear for his concert. They have been practicing on dancing for many months. Teachers don't want the children to play outside hot sun worry they got sick and cannot attend the concert.

Talking of concert, they will be asking parent to purchase DVD, and photography!

I know so much spending for this year end as he's going for primary school next year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Resident Evil: Retribution and Marcy Chia vouchers

Oh yeah I have got to say busy this month, so many happening for me. It is great month for me to enjoy movies. The above is prize I won from Sunway Pyramid contest. Yay! I love t-shirt and this is XL size for me. Good since I put on fat I need to cover my big belly! One aunt at playground notice I put on weight since I am not out there to exercise for a month due to Ghost Month.

Yesterday my first time to see the movie IMAX 3D in Sunway Pyramid, awesome totally different watching it at other cinema! I mean first time seeing it there is no 3D but this time there is! I still like Alice and she's the super woman in the movie, just like the Alien movie the same actress again. :D I forgotten the name of Alien movie the name of actress. I still love her very much, hope there's another Alien movie of her.

Oh below about the Mary Chia vouchers, there's one Coffee Detoxification Spa for the Top Commentator over at TH's Corner. Well if you want to win it, you got to participate in commenting!

Yes you can see they are two vouchers, take a closer look by click the picture.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First time@IMAX 3D Sunway Pyramid

I am so happy I get to see REsident Evil: Retribution in IMAX 3D Sunway Pyramid. I have not been to the cinema there for many years! The last time was with my sis and my dear it was more than ten years ago. We used to catch movie together usually late show! The TGV cinemas is big difference now.

Now with family and my sis became nun, life totally different! Anyway for chance to win Resident Evil: Retribution in IMAX 3D, you got to click the link to find out! Yeah you get the 3D glasses to see the movie. I have seen couple and single people watching this movie alone!

Anyway I saw this movie alone yesterday as dear's working! He's not gonna be happy to see this movie for second time since he's not fan for the movie. He only prefers the first Resident Evil movie.

I like to watch horror movie, it is one must see in my list! I didn't get to see all the horror movies. My son wants to cath a movie with me but some movies rated 18 years above so he cannot see it. 

About the IMAX 3D movie tickets, you can check online for the price.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Prize for Top Commentator

Tomorrow is Saturday I am so happy because I have got appointment with my friend. I am going for yoga with my friend, frankly I have not been to yoga for at least eight years.
Tomorrow I am heading for anti-oxidant hot bed theraphy at ecoparadise in The Gardens. It would be my second visit, yay so happy! My friend Theresa already went twice for the theraphy, she went Monday and Tuesday. I told Sanny that I am going I am not sure if she going for the theraphy or not.
My friend Theresa got soak wet with sweat there, she didn't use the towel.

Above prize is for Top Commentator of September at this blog!

  1. breast self exam glove - for detail of this click link to read.
  2. yellow ribbon necklace
  3. best friend forever cell phone charm -handmade by Jewelry by S

Pastel Colour Pattern Polaroid Film Skin @RM15

Total 20 pieces of it, 58x90mm. Look at them below so pretty and cute.
I don't have Polaroid camera so I am plannng to sell them.

RM15 only!! Free shipping using Pos Express in Malaysia. If you have interest to purchase email me at
sherrygo at hotmail dot com

I check that usual price for this RM28!!

If you want them you better hurry, I only have one set.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Construction@USJ 9, Taipan

There is construction going on at USJ 9, Taipan look at the buildings and you can see that there's something not right. Do you know what's wrong with the picture? Just look usually if there's constrution the building will be cover up, but you can see there's nothing cover up at all. It is so dusty and dangerous for people walking by.

Near the shops they are a few tution conters and I can tell you it is rush hour during that period. I don't know what they are making out of this buidling, could you tell? Can it be a hotel?

I don't want to eat near this buidling at all, imagine the dusts in the air. Some restaurants still having business even though there's noise and dusts at the area. It would be better to eat inside the restaurant with glass doors closed.

Anyone have been near this buidling, any idea what they are doing?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Non-profit hospital system

I was browsing for non-profit hospital system and I found I visited this website and find it user friendly and easy to browse, they are non-profit hospital system comprising four historically distinguished New York City hospitals. The four hospitals are Beth Israel, Roosevelt, St. Luke's, and NY Eye & Ear Infirmary.

If you are looking for career opportunity in healthy industry you can visit this website. They have over 15,000 employees, and more than 4,000 nurses. Beth Israel Medical Center is Pre-eminent health care in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, Roosevelt Hospital is premier hospital for the Columbus Circle and West Side neighbourhoods, St. Luke's Hospital is Morningside Heights' premier hospital, and NY Eye and Ear Infirmary is the nation's most historic specialty hospital.

They offer full range of primary and specialty care, for more detail you may click above link to check it out. If you are looking for health service network New York City metropolitan region get start with this website. From this website you can find what's new at their hospitals. If you like to make a donation to one of the four hospitals click the link above. You can select the hospital that you have interest to donate.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunglasses from Uniqlo

Picture above is me!
Loving this cool sunglasses the one and only, well it belongs to my son. Do you remember that I bring my son to Midvalley in June during the school holiday for the premier of Madagascar 3 movie. That is the day I purchased the sunglasses, we love this shade so much and we share it.

Yesterday is not quite a good day for start, well my dining room flood! My area no water at night and somehow my son forgot to close the tap and somewhere in middle of night the water came and spill everywhere. Yes most of dining area and living area got flood, alot to clean and wash and throw away! Yes a time to clear too, found my lovely prelove Barbie Dolls with clothes and items which I used to play.

Later I will post up the pictures of my toys! My son was playing them but my dear does not like, he says it is not for boys to play!

Oh well about the sunglasses I check the store again in Midvalley and see there's no more available. I bought this at discount price during sales, it cost less than RM30. Umm... maybe RM25. I find uniqlo many clothes to shop but sadly not for plus size woman.

Today I may head to Midvalley again after getting my boy home and shower him. It would be first time to bring my baby and sister-in-law to go without my dear as he is working.

Cute zoo bag & lost in the car park@Sunway Pyramid

Yesterday morning we head to Sunway Pyramid and looking to go Sunway Lagoon, early in the morning before 8am we lost in the carpark while heading to Sunway Lagoon. We didn't know we need to go through the buildings of to go Sunway Lagoon, there's no sign at all. Well there is a sign far away at the building! Lucky we found the security guard on motorcycle to lead us the way, we are not alone lost in the carpark other peoples too!

Well my son is all ready for the Guardian Walkathon 2012 as you can see in the picture. He has the cute zoo bag which I purchased on Friday from SDMC or previous name SJMC (subang jaya medical centre). They are having the Persatuan Daybreak sales to help the disabled from Perak. I choose to purchase the yellow cute bag it is cute and lovely! Loving this two in one bag, as you can see the handle in the middle, easy to carry or use as sling backpack.

RM15 for this bag as you can see the below picture.
They are other items on sale to tissue box, hand carried bag, basket, children clothes, quilt, coin purse, etc. It is located at the lobby heading to the clinic lift at SDMC.
Oh yeah.. my son is looking left and right where to go as we are lost in the carpark, spooky!

About more detail of Persatuan Daybreak you can contact 03-323 5908/323 5909


Adults and
Encouraged and
Accepted in

Lot 75242 Jalan Pulai, RPT Pengkalan Pegoh, 31500 Lahat, Perak. Contact following as above!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adventure program

We need to take care of everyone that we love, if something wrong with them we need to be first to know. There are many things to do in life, cherish the time with loved ones. I am sure you like to know adventure program available in california drug rehab. Some adventure programs namely rappelling, white water rafting or under water exploration. The benefits of adventure programs give you the recognizing social roles, improve management skills, communication skills development and increased cooperation with others.

They provide drug treatment, addiction treatment, mental illness treatment, and dual-diagnosis treatment and outpatient services. Some people started in doing wrong things and fall in depressions, there's help for them. They are programs available for them; I visited the website and found the website user friendly and easy to use. I am going to tell my friends to visit this website for more details.

Some people are shy away because they don't know where to seek help. Talking of people who need help if you know anyone who is addict to play video game, you don't know they may need help too. Video game addiction can be scary, some people really forget about their life and family.

Restaurant Park Way @SS19 Subang Jaya

Have you been to this restaurant? It is Restaurant Park Way at SS19 Subang Jaya, you can never miss it. The restaurant can easily seen because it is facing the main roads, oh well I didn't know if my friends have been to this restaurant. My dear told me of this restaurant and we have been there several times.

I often eat the dry noodles with wantan, I see the stalls there are good in business especially the one selling nasi lemak. I tried the char kue tiaw but not very nice, I find it oily. If char kue tiaw I prefer to eat at Restaurant Foh Foh at SS15 Subang Jaya.

There is fruit rojak selling at this restaurant, they also selling Chinese kuih. Have you been to this restaurant?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fireup nail polish

I have fun time making my nails beautiful, well this is my first time to make fire up nail polish. There's gold and red nail polish I used in this creation.

My red nail polish coming out so I decided to add on the gold nail polish on them. I only have gold colour nail polish, I am thinking if I need to purchase yellow nail polish. Yeah you can say that I am crazy of nail polish!

I see there's many nail art items available for sale but I didn't purchase any of them. I just use the nail polish brush to make the above!

Monday, September 3, 2012

What are your 3 killer tips to attract the opposite sex?

This is my entry for contest submission - AXE Anarchy Island Getaway. Being mommy of two boys now I am sure you like to know my killer tips on attract the opposite sex.

My 3 killer tips to attract the opposite sex are the following:

  1. Perfume this is easy and simple to attract the opposite sex! No kidding go ahead and try this out. This works for me when I was dating with my dear, he even asked me what perfume brand I am using.
  2. Send him a picture of yourself, I did that when before even we met each other. Did you know that I found him from Internet? Hehe.. he too send me a picture of him but you know it was not a picture of him only, there are two other males in the picture!
  3. Write him a poem, yes he will read it and feedback to you! Yeah I did this too!!
Above are my killer tips to attract the opposite sex! It works on me, care to share your killer tips?

Pappa Roti@Paradigm Mall

During the school holiday, I brought my son to Paradigm Mall. I parked basement and near the pet shop, using the scalator up Sean saw the delicious bread that he loves. He told me he wants to eat here.
You are looking at the Signature Chocolate for him, Papparoti Signature Bun for him. One coffee for me, I choose the hazelnut flavour.
There you go, you can see him enjoying the delicious bun! Yummy... next we head to GSC to purchase Sammy 2 in 3D to watch together at GSC Paradigm.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

iPad 2 cannot charge battery

Looks like the family iPad 2 is dying, it cannot charge battery anymore. Thanks to my son for dropping the iPad for several times now it is dying. I like using iPad very much even though it cannot upload pictures but it is handy and useful. My son often used it to play games and watch YouTube. Yes you may say he is using it longer hours than me.

Now the battery left for the iPad is only 7, it is sad I don't know if there is possible to repair the iPad. I often used iPad to check emails and read update of blogs and Facebook.

The charger we try charging it and it takes long hours charge and manage get 30% charge, something is wrong with the iPad even the button on iPad. 

Battery operated lights

I am sure everyone still in holiday mood; my friends have interest to decorate their home. I found this website to share with them about the battery operated lights. Below picture you are looking one of the battery operated lights, it is the Angel Tear Fairy Lights with 36 blue LEDs. Christmas just a few months away, my friends are thinking how to decorate their home.

I found this beautiful battery operated lights to share with you, look at the snowflake string lights, it is 6.5 feet. Nobody likes last minute shopping and you know that last minute shopping usually runs out of stock for the items that you have interest to purchase.

I love online shopping because it is convenient and save time, you get discounts if you purchase more online. You need to check out their online deals now, don't miss out the saving up to 15%. It would be good idea if you share your purchase with your friends and family members. If you are looking for mini lights or floral lights take a look at this website, I visited this website find it user friendly and easy to browse.
Looking at the lights reminds of me a wedding dinner I attended at the hotel, they have the battery operated lights in the hall.
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