Sunday, August 31, 2008

Month Starters!

Lourdes' Mia gave me an award! It's very nice to know that other people recognizes my other blogs. I am so happy with this. Thanks Mommy!

brilliante award

Awarding Rules:

l. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

I am passing this to:
1. That Blog 4 Me
2. republic of A
3. Better Interpersonal Communication
4. Foongpc

Hope you like this award. Thank you for always visiting my blog Sherry Rambling . Yeah you notice the empty space right on the number above. Just let me know if you like to pass this award to you.

Restore your account

I really not happy received email which is scam and spam. Here comes another one... earlier I have also received one from a person who claimed himself as a doctor. I got the same email with different title from this doc more than 5 times. If I got it again will post it.

Dear Valued Customer :

We recently have determined that different computers have logged in your Bank of America Online Banking account, and multiple password failures were present before the logons. We now need you to re-confirm your account information to us. If this is not completed by September 2, 2008, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner. In order to confirm your Online Bank records, we may require some specific information from you.

To restore your account, please......

Happy Birthday to Diane

It's 31 August, its a special day to Malaysia. Happy Merdeka to Malaysia and that's not all. It's also Diane's Birthday too. Happy Birthday to Diane and she's having a Birthday Contest that you might be interested to take part.

Here are the Prizes: $10 paypal money for the first winner and $5 for the second. I will also pick 4 people to win my 12 scrapbooking magazines( this is already used magazines).
So here are the mechanics of my contest:
1. Blog about this contest and put all my blogs on your post.
A Handful of Surprises
My Paper Scraps
I Am a Nikon Girl
Digitally Diane
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
2. Comment here if you are finished posting on your blog. You can increase the chances of winning by posting this contest on all of your blogs. 1 entry per blog.
3. Deadline will be on September 2, 2008, 12 pm(Philippine time). The contest will run for 5 days.
So go and post this contest and win!!!
Thanks and Happy blogging!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I won Bronze Medal

Do you still remembered the MTMD Page Rank Olympics contest . Well, I am so happy to see that I have won Bronze Medal and a $25 Cash Prize.

Winning bronze with the third highest technorati increase was Sherry Rambling with an increase of +6.

Matt gave this rambling blog a review too.

Sherry Rambling is a personal blog in which the blogger shares her thoughts, ramblings and things that interests her. The content is completely random, but usually revolves around some aspect of blogging and you can find some helpful tidbits to improve your own blog here from time to time.

Be sure to find out who are Winners of Gold Medal and Silver Medal at Winners of MTMD Page Rank Olympics . Once again Congratulations to Winners.

Reform Church of God?

I was thinking what this email is about when I saw such title, I already have the hunch that this is another scam and spam email.


From: MIRIAM (

Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: Wednesday, 27 Aug, 2008 7: 14 AM

23 Church Crescent
Abidjan, Cote d ivoire

Dearest One

I feel quite safe dealing with you though this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it because it still remains the fastest, surest and most secured medium of communication.I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but still i will want you to take me like a friend, and glance through my short letter .
I am Miriam, 18yrs a Medical Student undergraduate, from Cote d' Ivoire,the only child of Late Mr R. G. Kolo who was murdered alongside my mother and only brother last year by rebels. I am Presently in an orphanage because of wickedness of uncle's and relatives.

Before his death he had a domicilary account here, up to the tune of (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand US dollars) . Please I need your assistance to get this money tranferred to you for my education, investment and to be my guardian before my uncles will get hold of me and the money. I shall forward to you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer of the money to you. As you will help me to travel and to complete my studies.
I shall be glad to reserve this respect and opportunity for you, if you so desire, but i do urge you to give the matter your immediate attention it deserves. If this proposal is acceptable by you, please do not make undue advantage of the trust i bestow on you,and your urgent reply is highly needed today, for more detailS Call me on +22508995621.
I am willing to offer you reasonable percentage from the total money as compensation for your effort. May God touch your heart and use you to bring back happiness and joy in my life.

Your Sincerely

Blood pressure chart to share with you

My friend have email a good info which I love to share with you. It's blood pressure chart which help you to monitor your BP and stay in Good Health always!

Feel free to share your opinion about this chart.

Human Blood Pressure Range Diagram

The 1st Number: Systolic pressure is the pressure generated when the heart contracts .

210 - 120 - Stage 4 High Blood Pressure

180 - 110 - Stage 3 High Blood Pressure

160 - 100 - Stage 2 High Blood Pressure

140 - 90 - Stage 1 High Blood Pressure


130 - 85 - High Normal

120 - 80 - NORMAL Blood Pressure

110 - 75 - Low Normal


60 - 40 - TOO LOW Blood Pressure

50 - 33 - DANGER Blood Pressure

LOW Blood Pressure Symptoms -Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Fainting, Coma

Two moons on 27 Aug 2008

Well, have you heard or know about this? I don't know at all until my friend email me to tell me.

Two moons on 27 August

27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for......... ....

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August.

It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will
Cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off
earth. Be Sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am .
It will look like the earth has 2 moons.
The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.

Share this with everyone...

Win Camera Strap at Enchanted Play

Looking for camera strap? Don't need to buy one as you can win this one. Check out Enchanted Play Giveaway . Jacq aka purple_colorz is giving you the chance to win it and there's other Prize as well.
Here’s what you can win:
1st prize - Camera strap in Michael Miller’s Carnival Bloom fabric. Shipping is on me provided it won’t exceed $20.
2nd prize - $10 paypal money. Please note you need a paypal account for this.
As a consolation prize I will give away 500EC credits each to two other people.
Now how can you win? Read below…
1. Subsribe to my feed via Feedburner - 1 entry
2. Add my blog to your Technorati Favorites - 1 entry
**You can do this easily through the widgets are found on my right sidebar**
Important note: The prizes are fixed. You can’t exchange one for the other. If you win the camera strap you will get the camera strap, please do not ask for paypal money instead. Thank you.
If you are a blogger and you want to have more chances in winning you could blog about this contest post and you’ll automatically be entitled to 3 more entries.What you will write about is up to you, just link up this post and it will be qualified. If you have more than one blog (like me) you may do so in each blog (earn 3 entries/blog). I’ll pick the most creative and amusing entry to win $5 paypal money.
To help me keep up with all the entries (I’m hoping people will joing this contest, lol) please leave a comment in this post with the following information:
1. your email address you used for the Feed subscription
2. your Technorati ID
3. Your blog URL of the contest post
You have until Tuesday, September 2, 2008 to join.

Good luck.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is using public computer safe?

I have been wanting to know is using public computer safe? Yeah I did used before but I didn't know there are things to check on. How about you?

Places that have public computer usually are Airport, Internet Cafe, Library, etc. Do you check the back of computer before using any of the computer? I never. Now I think everyone should start checking whether there's any extra device at the back of it.

New storing device fits at the end of the keyboard cable connecting to the PC specialized to save all typed keys in it…
Mostly could be used in net cafes, exhibitions, hotels and airports therefore be careful especially the people who use the internet in these places to enter their bank accounts online or any other important sites.
After you enter the bank account and leave the PC it will be easy to open your account again as all what you have typed has been saved in the Black device.

Therefore, you should check the PC for any suspicious piece behind it before using the net in public places for important sites.
Please send it to all who you know to educate them against this fraud.

Chikai's Birthday Game

Oh yeah how often do you hear about Birthday Game? Well, I like to share one with you that's Chikai's Birthday Game where you stand the chance to win some cash too.

As promised, here are the mechanics of her Birthday Game! At stake is $26 worth of PayPal money. Two players will win $10 each and another player will win $6.

She has so many blogs to share with you too. I will take my time to visit them.

Cherry’s Comfort Zone
Thinking Out Loud
DigiScrapz: Captured Memories
Buzzy Me
Wishing and Hoping
Fab Finds, Etc.

don't wait til Sept 1 to take part in this Chikai's Birthday Game.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Demand Money for fogging service

My dad and came over last week and we have lunch together. He got a called while we are having lunch. My dad's friend called him that they are people trying to force in my dad's home. They are the people that doing fogging activities and demanding for money in the neighbourhood. I am not sure if these fogging services are from private sectors. As I know my dad have told them off that he's not interested on fogging service in his home.

You know what his friend told him on the phone? He said that these people don't care and they are wanting to force entry and gate to get inside to do fogging service. They are charging at least $150 per household. We never asked for their service and never accept their service so they are forcing you to take up their fogging service and demand for money. Maybe because these people are so fierce and violent they are neighbours that paid them money.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear Beloved

I wonder if you have got such email like this... I got it today. The subject in the email is "Dear Beloved". Below is the email, you can see...

From Mahdi Mamadou Jnr
20 Rue Avenue, BP 102,cocody,
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Phone; +22507515501
Dear Beloved,

My name is Mahdi Mamadou Jnr, i am 17years and i am from from Sierra Leone. i am an orphan being that i lost my mother at a very tender age and my father Dr. Mahdi Mamadou who was serving as director of the Cocoa exporting board in Abidjan, Ivory Coast until his death, He died on the 1st October (2004) by some undisclosed people who i greatly suspect to be his business associates through food poison .Before the death of my father, he deposited the sum of $8M USA Dollars in a Bank / Finance House and he left an instruction that the money is strictly for investments aboard and be given to me when i am upto 25 years or above because it is an agreement that my late father signed with the bank and used me as his next of kin because i am his only child.

Because of the hostile behaviour of my fathers brothers, and there constant threats to kill me, i had to run away , and it was on these situation that i contacted you .My father's brothers have taken my father's car, and our house and because the my elders, there was nothing i could do than to run for my dear life because i did not want them to also take the fund deposit documents .i decided to make haste to see that these money is transfered to your account in your country so t hat i can leave these country before something bad happens to me.

I want you to do me a favour to assist me transfer the money to your country as my Guardian and Investor, and also you will assist me travel to your country and continue my education. i have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production. This is my reason for writing to you.

Please if you are willing to assist me, kindly contact me by replying to my email to you and give me your full name, address, telephone, fax numbers and profession, so that i will have more confidence in you and i shall guive to you the contact ofthe bank where my father deposited the money and also the deposit documents. i have mapped out 60% for myself, 25% for your cordial assistance and 10% for charity homes like the less priviledged because that was the vow i made to Allah and 5% for any expenses incured by you in therms of this transaction maybe through telep hone calls, sending emails, transportaion etc .

Finally if you have any question as regards this transaction, please dont fail to ask me. Please note that the confidentiality of this transaction would be highly appreicated, Please reply as soon as possible. This is my private box
Thanks and God bless you.
Mahdi Mamadou jr.

Sorry no reply from me yet

I have been getting message on Entrecard and I still don't have the time to reply them. It will take some times as I am real tired and having pain in my butt. I have been sitting on the same spot with my computer and feeling real negative heat too.

Just wanting to get away for a while. Get away would be going for holiday or travel? Neh... no money for that.

In the mean time you can enjoy the awesome post that I found on the blogsphere.

DaBlogger on 10 Reasons to use the email signature.

Pay to blog- is it advisable? by Make Money Online

Making Money Online By Begging by TheNetFool

I always like to hang out to check on these blogs.

Something I like to share I think I am having problem with Socialspark posts. Well, one post seemed to be "initial rejected" not sure why is that. Another which I just did actually have been remove as its not listed in the posts that I did in account. Strange maybe its because of the ads links which getting in the way?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great contest at Rockstartemplate

I am still working on my Entrecard and also blogs template. But I don't want to miss the chance telling you the First Contest at Rockstartemplate.

1st Place :
$ 50 Gift Voucher.
$ 15 Hard Cash through Paypal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog] for 1 month.
And Get a Review at my personal Blog.
2nd Place :
$ 25 Hard Cash through PayPal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].
3rd Place :
1000 EntreCard credits.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].
All Participant Will Get their Blog Listed for 1 month !!

I am sure you want to know more about it so head on to First Contest @Rockstartemplate . Contest ends on September 25.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Whose My Serious Droppers

I am sure you have seen blogs with Serious Droppers list. I am doing mine and you can see just "My Serious Droppers" . I know that I am not a Serious Droppers in Entrecard that drop 300 cards a day.

I am still thinking on how to the lists as you know I have many blogs on hand. Shopping Blogs, Contest blog, and nameSherry . My serious droppers list are not complete yet.

Feel free to comment on your thought about "My Serious Droppers". I know there's another way of doing it.. but I like this way.. just doing it slowly...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Social Networking are Hackers playgrounds?

A few posts back I was mentioning that I wanting to put a Page for "Connect with Sherry". Later in the afternoon I found this article and I don't know if you have read it or not. Have you?

It's said that online social networking are hackers playgrounds. Well I like to hear from you. What do you think about it. I am sure you are one of the user of online social networking like Facebook or Myspace or others.

Here's something new which I don't know about there's fake postings on comment boards asking you to update software. I read some where in blogger blogs that WP2.6 also have been hacked? I mean like they make some changes in your blog but never make changes of your post. Don't ask me which blog I don't remembered them...

Is online social networking safe? Okay, here's the article where you can read more.

Bloggers: Get $50 via PayPal from MoreMerchant

Oh yeah this is another one which I like to share with you. I am sure everyone like me want to know how to make more money save more money. So where to go from there? More Merchant will be the blog I am checking out more often on budget tips.

Almost forgot, do you want to know about Bloggers: Get $50 via PayPal ? It's real simple just write a post with good keywords such as Make Money, Budget Tips, Credit Scores, etc. Then link with some good words from above. It must be a follow link. That is it.

One condition Jake Rinard owner of the blog ask that you do not delete this post for 45 days. After that you can do what you wish.

Here is the payout schedule:

PR 5 or better blog: $50
PR 4: $30
PR 3: $20
PR 2: $10

He have already paid the first 10 people who post properly and email him through the MoreMerchant Contact Page above. No more than 1 payout per domain/owner.

Now, its matter of luck whether you get paid or not. If you want to know more about it can click on the link above to find out.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great Blog Post Trains by Life is Colourful

Oh yeah I like the title and do you know what this is about? This is the post on how you can increase your Backlinks and Technorati Authority . If you know or like any good article around the blogsphere. Here's the chance for to you to show it off.

Personally, I like Make Money In Offline Contests by DaBlogger .

So here is what you need to do - follow the rules! :)
*** Beginning of Great Blog Posts ***
Life is Colourful has started a great blog posts train, that would help to compile some of the best articles around the web giving due respect to the blog post author.
Rule 1: Write a short blurb on this unique idea of giving due respect to great blog posts you like from your favorite bloggers.
Rule 2: Copy the content from “Beginning of Great Blog Post” upto “End of Great Blog Post” and paste it in your blog post
Rule 3: The line you add should comprise of “your site name” likes “your favorite great blog post from other blog than yours”. For example: Life is Colourful likes Auto article on Difference between all wheel drive and four wheel drive
Rule 4: Your favorite blog post can be your own blog post or from another blog you like. The blog post should be worth reading and you imagine, other bloggers would laugh at your taste.
Rule 5: Make sure you contact the bloggers and insist they participate so they can keep this going.
Rule 6: Come back to the original post and comment or contact us, so we can add your line in our post increasing your backlinks and technorati authority.
Great Blog Posts
Life is Colourful likes How to host a contest
Best Travel Tips likes Foreign travel tips on drinking water
SMI likes How to survive volatile stock market
Giveaway City likes Reasons To Start Your Own Blog
Cash In Style likes I Found Traffic Xplode 2.0
Danandmarsh In Oz likes Finding Your Passion
Sherry Rambling likes Make Money In Offline Contests

Add your favorite blog post here
*** End of Great Blog Posts ***
Alright, so start posting about this, comment here and we will update the list with latest contributers to this great blog post train.

Here comes Page Rank Olympics

Alright here comes the Page Rank Olympics which you want to know about. I am sure by now you know about your blog PR and Technorati Authority Ranking. It's one easy contest that any blogger can take part. Sherry Rambling blog has PR 2, TA 218.

The Olympics start Friday night at 8:08 PM, and so do the MTMD Page Rank Olympics.

1. Register for the Page Rank Olympics by leaving a comment at MTMD with your current Google PR and Technorati Ranking. All PRs and Technorati Authority Rankings will be verified on Saturday night.
2. Write a post on your blog about this contest and the Olympic Games.
3. Link to this post in your own post.
4. Comment back on this post that you have made your own post about this contest and the Olympic Games.
5. I will link to every participating blog, and author an Olympic-oriented post referencing every participating blog. All participating blogs are encouraged to do the same.
6. Use whatever graphics you want.
7. The blog that has the highest increase in Google Page Rank and Technorati Authority at the close of the Olympic Games on August 24th Wins.
8. Prizes will be awarded on August 31st, 2008.

Gold Medal: The blog that increases the most in both Google Page Rank and Technorati Authority will win a $100 Grand Prize.

Silver Medal: The blog that has the highest increase in Technorati Authority will win a $50 Prize.

Bronze Medal: The blog that has the 2nd highest increase in Technorati Authority will win a $25 Prize.

Note: While it is very unlikely that there will be any change in Google Page Ranks during this time since Google has gone through with an update in Page Ranks, the additional link traffic that this contest will generate may have a positive impact in the next update cycle. Should no Google Page Ranks be updated, prizes will be awarded solely on the increase in Technorati Authority.

Good luck to all!

Social Networking

I am still working on the template here, yeah can't do all blogs at once. I find that there's something missing from every post. Can you see it? I don't see the date at all. Is that normal?

Other than that the social networking that I am talking about will be twitter, digg, Stumble Upon, etc. Which I have signed up and currently using.

I will put one Page above so that everyone can stay connect with me easily. What do you think of that? I think about put the Page name as "Connect w/Sherry". Do you get what it means? Its a short form for "Connect with Sherry".

I am still struggling to find the cartridge for my printer. It seemed that the brand is not selling at many store. There's a store I found the brand but not the right one that I am using. I am looking for black colour cartridge.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Put weight on blogging

Well, I have been kind of busy attending to contests and also been busy to drop EC. Sorry if I have missed you. I must say that I have really put weight on blogging. Hmm... let see if this is right way to say it.

I mean that personally I have been putting on weight as I am spending more time on Internet than other stuff. Yeah lack of exercise is one thing because I am sitting down more. Yes I expect that my bum getting bigger too. LOL

Tell me if you are having the same like me. I think guy won't get as much as gals do. Do you feel that woman gained weight easily? I personally think YES!

I also see that I do put weight on my blogs too. Trying to maintain all at once but I know I am really handful now. I won a 2 months of web hosting plan P30. I really don't know what to do about it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Contest Winner

I was just checking and replying my email, to my surprise I received 1,000 . Wow, what did I win? I am Winner of Jeflin's Investment of his 1000EC giveaway . Oh yeah I won 1000EC and I am really happy about it. I won in his First Contest it was so easy to take part.

All I have to do is subscribed to his blog RSS feed by email. You can check out Jeflin's Investment for his thought about the Singapore Stocks and property market. He has been a retail investor for local stock for many years.

It's indeed a great blog for you to check out.

Hang out at Posh Mama

I have am still trying to fix my blogs so from time to time I need to take a break. Where do you hang out if you are having a break? I know that I will make a cup of coffee and just hang out at some blogs. Among the blogs I hang, one of the is the Posh Mama .

Have you heard of Posh Mama before? If you have Entrecard widget I am sure you know as you may have drop your card at the blog. This is one blog which I often come by.

Posh Mama Online Magazine and Social Network is a positive and upbeat community made up of women from around the world. You will feel immediately welcomed as it is the sweetest spot on the 'net. Come hang out, network and make some great friends at

Work in Progress

As you can see that I am really working hard on changing the template, it took me hours to do it. I know some people can just do it in just minutes or half an hour?

Now I like my new template and I don't think I want to change this blog at the moment. Thanks to Angel who kept encourage me to change template. I done it! But won't be a success without the help from Asim with the Changing Your Template post.

I am still in learning process and work in progress for this and nameSherry blog. I think I need to do a baby step at a time. My mind and eyes will go squink if I do all at a time.

Oh the right bar you see the About and Disclosure Policy, I was sitting down all day figuring out how to do it. Yeah you really need to play around to know it. I do worry I messed it all up. If I did, you think there's a solution for it?
get this widget